Course Description

With the increase in crime in recent years, we have seen more people signing up for martial arts and weapons training classes due to their fear of being victims, and rightfully so.

As our background is in security/personal protection, we know that the aforementioned trainings take years to master, have their physical limitations, and the costs can accumulate over time. We believe that there is a way where people can strive to become safer in spite of such limitations.

We came up with the concept of teaching HOW to avoid being a victim, before ever needing to resort to a physical fight. Avoiding getting into such a situation is far better than finding yourself having to fight for your life.

Our program has been in the works for over a year. The circumstances described have been taken from people’s daily lives. The information on how to avoid being in undesired situations have been acquired from years of experience in the field of surveillance and counter-surveillance in very hostile countries and other perilous situations.

Our program is specifically designed for women from the age of 15 and up. Each session is an in-person class about 2 hours in length covering various aspects of daily life with a Q&A segment to close. We have decided to limit each class to 12 people or less, in order to give full attention to any concerns raised by the attendees.

We are working on designing a similar program geared towards men.